Los jesuitas crearon la construcción del monasterio y la iglesia de San Pedro Claver en el siglo XVII, y originalmente se llamaba San Ignacio de Loyola. La fachada de la iglesia se estaban hechos, al igual que la mayoría de los edificios de la vieja ciudad, en piedras coralinas, las cuales son famosas en la región. A partir de 1888, se restauró la iglesia y en 1921 se añadió la presente capilla que es un punto de referencia importante desde varios lugares de la ciudad e incluso del mar.
Las cosas interesantes a descubrir son el museo con obras de arte fabuloso y el claustro que esta repleto de árboles enormes. San Pedro Claver es el nombre de un gran partidario para el derecho de los esclavos, su estatua fue tallada por el artista Enrique Grau en su honor. Los restos de San Pedro Claver se conservan en una alta justo dentro de la iglesia, también fue conocido como el Apóstol de los Negros. Se puede visitar su habitación la cual esta situada cerca de las escaleras que conducen al monasterio, lo que ahora se conoce como la capilla. Se requiere una visita a la iglesia de San Pedro Claver para los que aprecian la historia de la ciudad de Cartagena.
The Jesuits created the construction of the monastery and church of St. Peter Claver in the seventeenth century, and was originally called San Ignacio de Loyola. The facade of the church were made, like most buildings in the old city, coral stones, which are famous in the region. Since 1888, the church was restored in 1921 this chapel was added which is a major landmark from various parts of the city and even the sea.
Things are interesting to discover the museum with great art and the cloister is full of huge trees. San Pedro Claver is the name of a great advocate for the rights of slaves, his statue was carved by artist Enrique Grau in his honor. The remains of St. Peter Claver are kept on a high just inside the church, was also known as the Apostle of the Blacks. You can visit the room which is situated near the stairs leading to the monastery, which is now known as the chapel. It requires a visit to the church of San Pedro Claver for those who appreciate the history of the city of Cartagena.
The Jesuits created the construction of the monastery and church of St. Peter Claver in the seventeenth century, and was originally called San Ignacio de Loyola. The facade of the church were made, like most buildings in the old city, coral stones, which are famous in the region. Since 1888, the church was restored in 1921 this chapel was added which is a major landmark from various parts of the city and even the sea.
Things are interesting to discover the museum with great art and the cloister is full of huge trees. San Pedro Claver is the name of a great advocate for the rights of slaves, his statue was carved by artist Enrique Grau in his honor. The remains of St. Peter Claver are kept on a high just inside the church, was also known as the Apostle of the Blacks. You can visit the room which is situated near the stairs leading to the monastery, which is now known as the chapel. It requires a visit to the church of San Pedro Claver for those who appreciate the history of the city of Cartagena.
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