Fuerte o Castilo San Felipe de Barajas
La construcción del castillo San Felipe de Baraja se dio en 1536 por militares españoles y esclavos africanos. Fue erigido con materiales propios de la época como el ladrillo y la roca, y su ubicación geográfica (colina de San Lázaro) obedecía a una estrategia militar, debido a la excelente elevación del terreno (40 metros sobre el nivel del mar). Gracias a esta considerable altura, se divisaba cualquier movimiento del enemigo y por consecuencia, se minimizaba el tiempo de reacción sobre cualquier intento de invasión. La edificación del fortín supuso la protección de la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias, ante los ataques de los franceses comandados por Francés de Pointis en 16977 y de los ingleses liderados por el militar Edward Vernon. Aunque en 1741, el líder inglés se le encomendó la misión de atacar y destruir la ciudad acompañado de una tropa que excedió los 27 mil soldados, junto con 186 buques y 2000 cañones, mientras que el militar español Blas de Lezo (su verdugo y protector del pueblo) se defendió solo con 3600 hombres y 6 buques. A pesar de la guerra desatada y de la desventaja militar, el comandante español logró someter y ajusticiar a Vernom, y a todas sus tropas. Luego de la confrontación, Vernom se alejó del sitio y exclamó contra Lezo: "God damn you, Lezo! (¡Que Dios te maldiga Lezo!)", mientras que éste le replicó: "Para venir a Cartagena es necesario que el rey de Inglaterra construya otra escuadra mayor, porque esta sólo ha quedado para conducir carbón de Irlanda a Londres.
En 1984, la Unesco incluyó el Centro Histórico de la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias, el conjunto de sus fortificaciones y el castillo San Felipe de Barajas dentro de la lista de Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Desde 1990, el castillo ha servido como escenario de grandes eventos sociales y culturales ofrecidos por el Gobierno de Colombia, en honor de delegaciones extranjeras en el marco de cumbres presidenciales y reuniones ministeriales como la Cumbre del Movimiento de Países No Alineados en 1995, la cumbre del Grupo de Río en 2000,19 y la VI Cumbre de las Américas en 2012, en el cual se hizo una cena de bienvenida a los diferentes jefes de estado, cancilleres, asistentes al evento y a otras personalidades y celebridades como la artista Shakira, invitada de honor. Según las palabras del presidente de Estados Unidos Barack Obama, la realización de la cumbre en Cartagena "es un evento espectacular". Uno de los hechos distintivos del castillo es la implementación de un sistema tecnológico llamado TGS (Tour Guide Systems), con este sistema se busca que todos los turistas, tanto nacionales como internacionales, puedan conocer en detalle la historia y la riqueza cultural de este patrimonio del estado; la guía consta de 6 idiomas: español, inglés, francés, italiano, alemán y portugués. El sistema ya se empleó en otros monumentos de la ciudad. Tanto la ciudad de Cartagena como su infraestructura colonial, hacen parte del patrimonio histórico y cultural de Colombia. La arquitectura militar de sus edificaciones también le ha valido para ser considerada una de las 7 maravillas de Colombia, distinción otorgada luego de una encuesta realizada por el periódico El Tiempo. Obtuvo la 4.ª mayor cantidad de votos, con un total de 4389, de 8421 lectores.
The castle of San Felipe Deck was in 1536 by Spanish soldiers and African slaves. It was built with materials from the era such as brick and rock, and geographic location (hill of St. Lazarus) was due to a military strategy, due to the excellent elevation (40 meters above sea level). Thanks to the considerable height, one could see any movement of the enemy and therefore minimized the reaction time of any attempted invasion. The building of the fort meant to protect the city of Cartagena de Indias, to attack the French commanded by French Pointis in 16977 and the British military led by Edward Vernon. Although in 1741, the English leader was given the mission to attack and destroy the city accompanied by a troop that exceeded the 27 000 soldiers, along with 186 ships and 2000 guns, while the Spanish military Blas de Lezo (his tormentor and protector the people) fought only with 3600 men and 6 ships. Despite the war unleashed and military disadvantage, the Spanish commander was able to submit and execute a Vernom, and all his troops. After the confrontation, Vernom left the room and exclaimed against Lezo: "God damn you, Lezo! (Lezo God damn you!)" While he replied: "To come to Cartagena is necessary that the king of England build another army major, because this has only been driving coal from Ireland to London. "
In 1984, UNESCO included the historic center of Cartagena de Indias, all its fortifications and the castle San Felipe de Barajas in the list of World Heritage. Since 1990, the castle has served as the scene of great social and cultural events offered by the Government of Colombia, in honor of foreign delegations in the context of presidential summits and ministerial meetings and the Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in 1995, the summit Rio Group in 2000.19 and the Sixth Summit of the Americas in 2012, which became a welcome dinner at the various heads of state, foreign ministers attending the event and other personalities and celebrities such as Shakira artist, invited of honor. In the words of U.S. President Barack Obama, the realization of the summit in Cartagena "is a spectacular event." One of the hallmarks of the castle is the implementation of a technological system called TGS (Tour Guide Systems), this system is intended that all tourists, both domestic and international, to know in detail the history and cultural richness of this heritage state, the guide consists of 6 languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, German and Portuguese. The system already used in other monuments of the city. Both the city of Cartagena as its colonial infrastructure are part of the historical and cultural heritage of Colombia. The military architecture of its buildings also earned him to be considered one of the 7 wonders of Colombia, awarded after a survey by the newspaper El Tiempo. He received the 4. Second most votes, with a total of 4389 of 8421 readers.
The castle of San Felipe Deck was in 1536 by Spanish soldiers and African slaves. It was built with materials from the era such as brick and rock, and geographic location (hill of St. Lazarus) was due to a military strategy, due to the excellent elevation (40 meters above sea level). Thanks to the considerable height, one could see any movement of the enemy and therefore minimized the reaction time of any attempted invasion. The building of the fort meant to protect the city of Cartagena de Indias, to attack the French commanded by French Pointis in 16977 and the British military led by Edward Vernon. Although in 1741, the English leader was given the mission to attack and destroy the city accompanied by a troop that exceeded the 27 000 soldiers, along with 186 ships and 2000 guns, while the Spanish military Blas de Lezo (his tormentor and protector the people) fought only with 3600 men and 6 ships. Despite the war unleashed and military disadvantage, the Spanish commander was able to submit and execute a Vernom, and all his troops. After the confrontation, Vernom left the room and exclaimed against Lezo: "God damn you, Lezo! (Lezo God damn you!)" While he replied: "To come to Cartagena is necessary that the king of England build another army major, because this has only been driving coal from Ireland to London. "
In 1984, UNESCO included the historic center of Cartagena de Indias, all its fortifications and the castle San Felipe de Barajas in the list of World Heritage. Since 1990, the castle has served as the scene of great social and cultural events offered by the Government of Colombia, in honor of foreign delegations in the context of presidential summits and ministerial meetings and the Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in 1995, the summit Rio Group in 2000.19 and the Sixth Summit of the Americas in 2012, which became a welcome dinner at the various heads of state, foreign ministers attending the event and other personalities and celebrities such as Shakira artist, invited of honor. In the words of U.S. President Barack Obama, the realization of the summit in Cartagena "is a spectacular event." One of the hallmarks of the castle is the implementation of a technological system called TGS (Tour Guide Systems), this system is intended that all tourists, both domestic and international, to know in detail the history and cultural richness of this heritage state, the guide consists of 6 languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, German and Portuguese. The system already used in other monuments of the city. Both the city of Cartagena as its colonial infrastructure are part of the historical and cultural heritage of Colombia. The military architecture of its buildings also earned him to be considered one of the 7 wonders of Colombia, awarded after a survey by the newspaper El Tiempo. He received the 4. Second most votes, with a total of 4389 of 8421 readers.
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