Rafael Núñez nació en la ciudad
de Cartagena de Indias el 28 de septiembre de 1825. Núñez estudio derecho en la
Universidad de Cartagena y paso luego a desempeñar una serie de importantes
cargos; rector del Colegio Nacional de Cartagena, vicepresidente de la Cámara y
secretario de Gobierno durante el mandato de José María Obando. Posteriormente
fue gobernador de la Provincia de Cartagena, secretario de Guerra y Marina, y cónsul
en Nueva York, entre otros, antes de ser elegido por cuatro veces como presidente
de la Republica. El 13 de junio de 1851 había contraído nupcias con la señorita
Dolores Gallego, matrimonio que disolvería
luego para casarse por lo civil, el 28 de junio de 1877, con doña
Soledad Román, a quien le pertenecía la Casa del Cabrero.

El 11 de noviembre de 1887 se canta
por primera vez el Himno Nacional, compuesto por don Rafael y
musicalizado por el italiano Oreste Sindici. En 1888 el doctor Núñez ejerció
el poder desde Girardot hasta el 17 de agosto, cuando designo al doctor Carlos Holguín, y pudo regresar a
su ciudad natal. En 1892 es elegido por cuarta vez presidente de la República,
y muere dos años mas tarde, el 18 de septiembre, en su Casa del Cabrero. Se
construyo en su honor un mausoleo en La
Ermita erigida frente a la casa y dedicada a Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes.
La casa de doña Soledad, en la que vivió
Rafael Núñez, es una casona cartagenera construida en madera
tradicional, a finales del siglo XIX, y para los especialistas es un ejemplo de
la base tipológica sobre la que se aplicó
el lenguaje formal de diversas procedencias (jamaiquinas, alemanas e
inglesas), migrantes que aportaron parte de sus tradiciones al sistema constructivo.
Originalmente tenía un solo piso, donde se encontraban las habitaciones y la
cocina. Cuando el presidente va a vivir allí, se le añadieron, también en
madera, las habitaciones del piso alto, respetando el mismo lenguaje de
ventanas y corredores, los que permiten la entrada de la brisa marina y una
permanente frescura. Doña Soledad se dedica al jardín, donde aun se encuentran
algunas de las plantas originales, como la coquera típica de la costa, además
de especies que perfuman el aire en las tardes.
Actualmente la Casa del Cabrero funciona como museo. Poco a poco se
fueron recuperando los bienes dispersos tras la muerte de doña Soledad, hasta
rehacer la casa como la habito, quien fuera por cuatro veces presidente de la
Rafael Nunez was born in the city of Cartagena de Indias on 28 September, 1825. Nunez study law at the University of Cartagena and then to step perform certain important positions, rector of the National College of Cartagena, vice president and secretary of Government House during the presidency of Jose Maria Obando. He was later governor of the Province of Cartagena, Secretary of War and Navy, and consul in New York, among others, before being elected four times as president of the Republic. On June 13, 1851 had married Miss Dolores Gallego, then dissolve marriage for civil marriage, the June 28, 1877, Dona Soledad Román, who owned the Casa del Cabrero.
First elected President of the Republic for the 1880-1882 biennium, try to exercise power from his home in Cartagena. Re-elected in 1884 and declared disturbed public order in the country, following the revolutionary upheavals in Santander and Boyaca. A year later the civil war was unstoppable and Nunez then declares the Constitution of 1863 inadequate, and calls for an empowered National Council, which met in Bogota on November 11, ready to draft the new constitution. On December 8, this council again chose to Nunez for the six interim president from 1886 to 1892 and to exercise power from 31 March to 7 August 1886, date on which, ill, returns to the Casa del Cabrero, and delegate its functions to General Jose Maria Serrano Country. On 4 August the same year the National Council issued a new constitution, in force until 1991. A year later he returns to hold office for six months, but affected by altitude and criticism, decided to go back to Cartagena.
On November 11, 1887 for the first time sung the National Anthem, composed by Don Raphael and Italian music by Oreste Sindici. In 1888 Dr. Nunez held power from Girardot until 17 August when the doctor appointed Carlos Holguin, and could return to his hometown. In 1892 he was elected for the fourth time President of the Republic, and died two years later, on September 18th at the Casa del Cabrero. He built a mausoleum in his honor at La Ermita erected outside the house and dedicated to Our Lady of Mercy.
The Dona Soledad, where he lived Rafael Nunez, Cartagena is a large house built in traditional wood in the late nineteenth century, and for the specialist is an example of the typological base on which we applied the formal language of diverse backgrounds (Jamaican, German and English), migrants who contributed part of their traditions to the construction system. It was originally one story, where were the rooms and the kitchen. When the president is going to live there, he added, also in wood, the rooms upstairs, respecting the very language of windows and corridors, which allow the entry of a permanent sea breeze and freshness. Doña Soledad is dedicated to the garden, where he still has some of the original plants such as coca typical of the coast, as well as species that perfume the air in the afternoons.
Currently, the Casa del Cabrero a museum. Gradually recovering the goods were scattered after the death of Dona Soledad, to rebuild the house as I live, who was four times President of the Republic.
Rafael Nunez was born in the city of Cartagena de Indias on 28 September, 1825. Nunez study law at the University of Cartagena and then to step perform certain important positions, rector of the National College of Cartagena, vice president and secretary of Government House during the presidency of Jose Maria Obando. He was later governor of the Province of Cartagena, Secretary of War and Navy, and consul in New York, among others, before being elected four times as president of the Republic. On June 13, 1851 had married Miss Dolores Gallego, then dissolve marriage for civil marriage, the June 28, 1877, Dona Soledad Román, who owned the Casa del Cabrero.
First elected President of the Republic for the 1880-1882 biennium, try to exercise power from his home in Cartagena. Re-elected in 1884 and declared disturbed public order in the country, following the revolutionary upheavals in Santander and Boyaca. A year later the civil war was unstoppable and Nunez then declares the Constitution of 1863 inadequate, and calls for an empowered National Council, which met in Bogota on November 11, ready to draft the new constitution. On December 8, this council again chose to Nunez for the six interim president from 1886 to 1892 and to exercise power from 31 March to 7 August 1886, date on which, ill, returns to the Casa del Cabrero, and delegate its functions to General Jose Maria Serrano Country. On 4 August the same year the National Council issued a new constitution, in force until 1991. A year later he returns to hold office for six months, but affected by altitude and criticism, decided to go back to Cartagena.
On November 11, 1887 for the first time sung the National Anthem, composed by Don Raphael and Italian music by Oreste Sindici. In 1888 Dr. Nunez held power from Girardot until 17 August when the doctor appointed Carlos Holguin, and could return to his hometown. In 1892 he was elected for the fourth time President of the Republic, and died two years later, on September 18th at the Casa del Cabrero. He built a mausoleum in his honor at La Ermita erected outside the house and dedicated to Our Lady of Mercy.
The Dona Soledad, where he lived Rafael Nunez, Cartagena is a large house built in traditional wood in the late nineteenth century, and for the specialist is an example of the typological base on which we applied the formal language of diverse backgrounds (Jamaican, German and English), migrants who contributed part of their traditions to the construction system. It was originally one story, where were the rooms and the kitchen. When the president is going to live there, he added, also in wood, the rooms upstairs, respecting the very language of windows and corridors, which allow the entry of a permanent sea breeze and freshness. Doña Soledad is dedicated to the garden, where he still has some of the original plants such as coca typical of the coast, as well as species that perfume the air in the afternoons.
Currently, the Casa del Cabrero a museum. Gradually recovering the goods were scattered after the death of Dona Soledad, to rebuild the house as I live, who was four times President of the Republic.
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